タスマニア州 High CalibreなSC491カテゴリー申請者はSC190のノミネーションの可能性浮上
2021年2月21日、High Calibre(能力・スキルの高い方)なSC491カテゴリー申請者はSC190のノミネーションを考慮するという情報がMigration Tasmaniaサイトに公表されております。詳細は以下ご参照ください。
タスマニア留学生枠のSC491のRequirementはタスマニア州に1年住み、CRICOS40週以上の就学をすること、またSC190に関しては2年住み、Australian Study Requirementを満たすこととなっております。最新の情報も以下に転載します。
High Calibre subclass 491 category applicants may be considered for subclass 190 nomination
We will consider applicants who have applied for nomination in any of the subclass 491 categories for subclass 190 nomination if they can demonstrate that they are a “high calibre” candidate, even if they do not meet the subclass 190 category requirements. Applicants who believe they warrant consideration as high calibre candidates should supply a written submission included in the Commitment Letter of their application outlining their reason(s) for their request.
Positive attributes include:
- Employment in highly skilled, specialist positions (normally ANZSCO 1 or 2)
- Rare/unique skills in high demand
- Specialist health/allied health skills and employment (in a health related setting)
- Recent graduate of a TSOL related occupation, with prior skills/experience and can demonstrate strong employment opportunities
- Employment directly related to nominated occupation, with highly reputable, well known company
- Employed in skilled area of high demand, having lived in Tas for 2 years or more
- Extensive residence in Tas (over 3 years) with solid and ongoing skilled employment
Possessing any or all of these does not guarantee we will agree to subclass 190 nomination.
Important note: please DO NOT email to enquire eligibility as a ‘high calibre’ calibre applicant – we will not make an assessment before receiving your application. Select both 491 and 190 on your Skillselect EOI and include your request to also be considered for subclass 190 in your Commitment Statement.
Tasmanian Graduate requirements for SC491
If you commenced your last course of study in Tasmania before 30 June 2021
- You must have completed and graduated from a CRICOS registered tertiary institution in Tasmania. The course undertaken:
- must be a degree (bachelor or any higher degree), a diploma (standard, advanced, associate or graduate) or a trade qualification (minimum Cert III level for a skilled occupation in Major Group 3 in ANZSCO)
- must have a minimum duration of one academic year (40 weeks)
- must be full time and on-site in Tasmania
- You must have lived in the state for at least 1 year and during your period of study prior to applying for visa state nomination
- You and your dependents must currently be living in Tasmania and able to provide evidence of your genuine ongoing commitment to remain in Tasmania
- If you are not currently in skilled employment you must provide a career plan that explains how your studies have increased your ability to find skilled work in Tasmania. This may include areas unrelated to your Tasmanian study
If you commenced your last course of study in Tasmania commenced after 30 June 2021
- You must have completed a course of study and obtained a letter of completion from a tertiary institution in Tasmania registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
- Your course of study must be listed on CRICOS with a duration of at least 40 weeks and must have been completed full time and on-site in Tasmania You must have lived in Tasmania for least one year from the commencement of your course and for the duration of your studies
- You and your dependents must be currently living in Tasmania and can provide evidence of your ongoing genuine commitment
- If you are not currently in skilled employment you must provide a career plan that explains how your studies have increased your ability to find skilled work in Tasmania. This may include areas unrelated to your Tasmanian study
- Your study does not need to be related to your nominated occupation, however a relevant skills assessment will be highly regarded
- If you held a Student visa (subclass 500) when you completed your last course of study in Tasmania, the study must be:
- a degree (bachelor, masters or any higher degree), or a diploma (standard, advanced, associate or graduate); or
- a qualification directly related to a Priority Industry Training and Workforce Development Area (current at the time you commenced study) at the minimum qualification level specified for that area.
- If you held a visa that was NOT a Student visa (subclass 500) at the time you completed your last course of study in Tasmania, the study MUST be directly related to a Priority Industry Training and Workforce Development Area (current at the time you commenced study) at the minimum qualification level specified for that area.
Tasmanian Graduate requirements for SC190
If you commenced your last course of study in Tasmania before 30 June 2021
- You must have completed and graduated from a CRICOS registered tertiary institution in Tasmania and met the Australian study requirement through study in Tasmania
- Your course of study must have been completed full time and on-site in Tasmania
- Have lived in the state for at least 2 years and during your period of study prior to applying for visa state nomination
- You and your dependents must currently be living in Tasmania and able to provide evidence of your genuine ongoing commitment to remain in Tasmania
- If you are not currently in skilled employment you must provide a career plan that explains how your studies have increased your ability to find skilled work in Tasmania. This may include areas unrelated to your Tasmanian study.
If you commenced your last course of study in Tasmania after 30 June 2021
- You must have completed a course of study and obtained a letter of completion from a tertiary institution in Tasmania registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
- Your course of study must be listed on CRICOS with a duration of at least 92 weeks* and must have been completed full time and on-site in Tasmania
- You must have lived in the state for at least 2 calendar years from the commencement of your course and for the duration of your studies
- You and your dependents must currently be living in Tasmania and demonstrate a genuine commitment to continue to live in Tasmania
- If you are not currently in skilled employment you must provide a career plan that explains how your studies have increased your ability to find skilled work in Tasmania. This may include areas unrelated to your Tasmanian study
- Your study does not need to be related to your nominated occupation, however a relevant skills assessment will be highly regarded.
- If you held a Student visa (subclass 500) when you completed your last course of study in Tasmania, the study must be:
- a degree (bachelor, masters or any higher degree), or a diploma (standard, advanced, associate or graduate); or
- a qualification directly related to a Priority Industry Training and Workforce Development Area (current at the time you commenced study) at the minimum qualification level specified for that area.
- If you held a visa that was NOT a Student visa (subclass 500) at the time you completed your last course of study in Tasmania, the study MUST be directly related to a Priority Industry Training and Workforce Development Area (current at the time you commenced study) at the minimum qualification level specified for that area.
Please note: only one course of study leading to one qualification may be included, unless it is part of an articulated pathway or packaged course, eg. a 2 year Certificate III – IV Commercial Cookery Pathway.
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