Childcare Centre Mangerの技術査定団体が2019年11月16日よりTRAからACECQAに変更されました。
※※卒業生ビザ(Subclass 485) の Post Study work StreamにはSkills Assessmentは必要なし(学士号、修士号を学ぶ方用のStream)
前査定団体のTRAは今まで卒業生ビザ(Subclss485:Graduate Work Stream)
Assessment Standards for Child Care Centre Manager Occupation
Qualification | An ACECQA approved diploma level (or higher) education and care qualification. |
Employment Experience | Evidence of three years full time (or part time equivalent) employment experience as a Child Care Centre Manager in a regulated early childhood education and care service. Expected responsibilities during employment include: develop and implement programs to enhance the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of young children direct and supervise educators providing care and supervision for young childrenestablish and maintain a safe and healthy service environment for children, staff and visitors facilitate compliance with relevant government requirements and standards work in partnership with parents and families to provide appropriate education and care for children maintain service records, operational budgets and accounts recruit staff and coordinate professional development.To ensure currency of skills, applicants will need to provide evidence of at least six months full time (or part time equivalent) experience in the past three years. |
Assessment Standards for Child Care Worker (group leaders only) Occupation
※ Childcare Worker(Group Leaders)職種は現時点ではSC485
※※Subclass494(新しい地方雇用主スポンサービザ)の職種にはChildcare Worker(Group Leaders)が存在し、技術査定は以下
Qualification | An ACECQA approved diploma level (or higher) education and care qualification. |
Employment Experience | Evidence of one year full time (or part time equivalent) employment experience as a Child Care Group Leader in a regulated early childhood education and care service. Expected responsibilities during employment include: provide education and care for babies, toddlers and children lead the preparation of materials and equipment to support children’s learning and development provide experiences to support children’s play and learning develop positive and respectful relationships with children ensure the health and safety of children support and supervise the daily routines of children support the inclusion of all children support children to develop cooperative behaviour. To ensure currency of skills, applicants will need to provide evidence of at least six months full time (or part time equivalent) experience in the past three years. |
またTRAのJob Ready ProgramはSublcass485を保持している間に、
Bachelor Degree就学により、2年の卒業生ビザ、
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文章作成者:廣瀬 淳(NARN:0637738 ) プロフィール