2021-2022年度 Victoria州のSkilled Nominated Visa(Subclass 190)の最新情報
ビクトリア州の本会計年度(2021年7月1日~2022年6月30日)のSkilled Migration Prgoramは7月7日より本会計年度の受付(Registration of Interests)を開始しています。本会計年度はSC190の枠数は3500とNSW州に次ぐ大きな枠数を獲得していますが、SC491の枠数は500のみとなっています。本年度はビクトリアに住み、指定のTargetセクターにてSTEMM SKILLを使い、仕事をしている方の中から選ばれることが7月1日発表の情報で公表されています。
※STEMM Skills ・・STEMM は Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicineを指します。
- Midwife – 254111
- Registered Nurse (Aged Care) – 254412
- Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) – 254415
- Registered Nurse (Mental Health) – 254422
- Registered Nurse (Perioperative) – 254423
- Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) – 254425
(+We also select nurses on advice from the Department of Health.)
また現在の州の技能不足を補うことを目的としたWorkforce Skills PathwaysというStreamは
別に用意されており、現在、Hospitality とEarly Childhood Teaching分野の2分野は上記の7つのターゲットセクターと関係なく、ノミネーションを受けられる可能性があります。
The major changes to the 2021-22 program are:
- The removal of the minimum experience and hours worked requirement.
- An increase in the number of target sectors.
- Applicants must have STEMM skills and have a Skill Level 1 or 2 occupation. Applicants for subclass 491 nomination may also have a Skill Level 3 occupation using their STEMM skills.(※STEMM Skills ・・STEMM は Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine)
過去、その職種で一定年数以上の経験等のRequirementも職種によって存在していましたが、それが撤廃され、Skills Assessmentをその職種で通過している状況で経験が浅くとも可能性があるという点は非常にポジティブな変更ですが、ターゲットセクター限定でSTEMM Skill(Skill Level1&2)のみ、
また、SC491の現時点で公表されている情報も同じ条件となっていますが、STEMM SKILLSでSkill Level3がSC491に含まれている点、現在の居住地がRegional Victoriaであること、などが相違点となっておりますが、先、いつでも変更される可能性はあります。Victoria州のSC491の最新情報はこちらでご確認ください。
Cook, 及びChefは現地での技能不足が続いており、Workforce Skills Pathwayにて、上記の7分野以外でも可能性が生じています。
またEarly Childhood Techearは4年の教育学位もしくは大学卒の方ではGraduate Diploma1年、もしくはMaster of Teachingという大学・大学院レベルでの資格が必要となり、英語もIELTS7.5(Speaking&Listening8、Reading &Writing7)という高い英語基準が求められますが、ビクトリア州では今後10年に50億ドルの投資をもってThree-Year-Old KindergartenをDeliverしていく計画であり、この投資によってビクトリア州全体で6000人レベルの教師の仕事が創出されることとなると予測されています。
2021年7月18日時点に公表されているVictoria州Subclass 190 の申請条件:
- You must be currently working in Victoria in a target sector.
- We will accept casual employment.
- We will accept employment in a role that is closely related to your nominated occupation.
- We will NOT accept employment that is NOT related to your nominated occupation.
- For example, we will not accept situations where you are working as a Personal Care Assistant and your nominated occupation is Software Developer.
- You must support all your claims of employment with documents in your application.
- You will be required to provide a current contract, most recent payslip and an extract from your superannuation account showing the most recent payments from your employer.
- In some instances, we may also require additional payslips or reference letter from your employer. If so, we will ask for this during assessment.
- 現在、雇用されている状況、それがたとえCasual であっても受け付けている、という点は非常にフレキシブルですが、職種がTarget Sector、Stemm Skillという点は限定的です。IT職種に関しては以下にありますが、Digital SectorにおいてはCyber Securityのみ、SC190対象、但し、ほかのターゲットセクターでITスキルを使っている、という際には対象になりうります(2021年7月現在、変更の可能性は今後もありうります)。
To be selected to apply for skilled visa nomination, you must be currently working in one of our target sectors using your STEMM skills.
If you are seeking subclass 190 nomination and working in the digital sector, please note that we are currently only selecting candidates working in cyber security. However, if you are using digital skills in a different target sector (e.g. software developer working in health), you may also be selected.
Applicants using their STEMM skills in a business precinct will be highly regarded. Examples of business precincts are:
The health sector in Victoria consists of professionals providing medical services to Victorians as well as those involved in related education and research and development.
You do not necessarily need to be working in a health occupation (e.g. Nurse) to be considered working in the health sector. For example, a software developer working on software for hospitals is considered to be working in the health sector.
Nursing applicants: please note that we only nominate applicants with specific specialisations. For further information, see Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) – supporting information or Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) – supporting information.
For nurses(看護師に関して)
We value the contribution nurses continue to make to Victoria. In the 2020-21 program, we selected over 1,000 nurses to apply for Victorian visa nomination.
This year, we will continue to select nurses to apply for Victorian visa nomination. Based on consultation with industry and the Department of Health, our focus will be on the specialisations below:
- Midwife – 254111
- Registered Nurse (Aged Care) – 254412
- Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) – 254415
- Registered Nurse (Mental Health) – 254422
- Registered Nurse (Perioperative) – 254423
- Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) – 254425
We also select nurses on advice from the Department of Health.
Nurses employed directly by a health provider (e.g. nursing home or hospital) will be prioritised over those working for an agency.
Medical research
In addition to medical research conducted in universities and research institutes, Victoria’s medical research includes activities such as drug development, clinical trials, health product manufacturing, medical devices and digital health.
If you are using your STEMM skills to support medical research in Victoria, you are considered to be working in the medical research sector.
Life sciences
Victoria’s life sciences sector is composed of many industries such as the medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Companies involved in food processing, nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals may also be considered to form part of the life sciences sector.
If you are using your STEMM skills to support Victoria’s life sciences sector, you are considered to be working in the life sciences sector. For example, a lecturer in biotechnology working in a university is considered to be working in life sciences.
The digital sector makes use of technology and innovation to drive economic growth, productivity and competitiveness in Victoria.
Currently we are only selecting applicants with cyber security skills to apply for subclass 190 visa nomination. Applicants without cyber security skills who are seeking subclass 190 visa nomination may still be selected if they are using their digital skills in another target sector. For example, a software engineer working in medical research.
Applicants working in any segment of the digital sector will be considered for selection for subclass 491 visa nomination.
The agri-food sector in Victoria includes highly skilled people working to develop food growth and production as well as the modernisation of Victoria’s agri-food sector. To be considered for selection to apply for nomination, applicants must be using their STEMM skills to innovate within the sector, which could include research and development or advanced manufacturing.
Advanced manufacturing
Victoria’s advanced manufacturing sector includes industries such as defence and aerospace. To be considered to be working in advanced manufacturing, you must be using your STEMM skills to enhance innovation. This could include activities such as research and development, design, supply chain management increasing global competitiveness through the use of technology.
New energy, emissions reduction and circular economy
This sector includes industries such as clean energy, renewables, bioenergy, carbon capture and energy storage. Applicants could be using their STEMM skills to support efforts to reduce waste, cut pollution and protect the environment.
(例外職種 2021年8月に追加されている情報)
Workforce Skills Pathways
ビクトリア州で現在技能不足が問題となっており、その解決の手法にMigratinが必要な分野として現在、ホスピタリティ分野と幼児教育分野が挙げられています。Cook, Chef, Early Childhood Teacherの3職種が特別枠として指定されています。現地のニーズにあわせて、こちらの指定は変動が起こりうります。
Current Workforce Skills Pathways
To assist industry address labour shortages caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the Victorian Government has established the Hospitality pathway for highly skilled cooks and chefs. For further information about migration opportunities for cooks and chefs, see Paths to permanent residency – cooks and chefs.
You must be eligible under either the subclass 190 or subclass 491 Victorian visa nomination criteria, and be living and working in Victoria as a cook or chef.
Early Childhood Teachers
The Victorian Government is investing almost $5 billion over the decade to deliver Three-Year-Old Kindergarten. This investment will create an additional 6,000 teaching jobs across Victoria.
In partnership with the Department of Education and Training, we are accepting applications from eligible early childhood teachers for Victorian nominated skilled visas.
You must be eligible under either the subclass 190 or subclass 491 Victorian visa nomination criteria, and be living and working in Victoria as an Early Childhood Teacher. You must also have a relevant skills assessment as an Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher from the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSLexternal link).
Registration of Interest
- Your Registration of Interest (ROI) must be selected by us before you can apply for skilled visa nomination.
- If you have submitted a ROI but have not received an email inviting you to apply for Victorian nomination, you cannot apply.
- There is no guarantee that your ROI will be selected. View our Registration of Interest page for more information on our selection considerations.
※Workforce Skills pathwayご希望の方ROIにてそのStream、職種を選ぶ必要があります。
Living in Victoria
- You must be currently living in Victoria.
- You may be required to show evidence of a lease, bond receipt, utilities or other documents that prove you are currently living in Victoria.
- If this is required, we will ask for it during assessment.
- If you live in a border community, you may be eligible if you can clearly demonstrate that you either live or work in Victoria. You must also be able to demonstrate how your skills benefit Victoria.
- You must be under 45 years of age at the time of nomination.
English language
- You must have at least Competent Englishexternal link.
- When you submit your nomination application, your English test must have at least 12 weeks validity remaining.
- You must have at least 65 points, including the 5 points for state and territory nomination.
ROI selectionの詳細
We select highly talented applicants who are currently living and working in Victoria, using their STEMM skills in a target sector. If you do not meet these requirements, you will not be considered for selection and should not submit a ROI.
To select applicants, we:
- Remove all ineligible ROIs from selection pool.
- Read all eligible ROIs. ROIs demonstrating exceptional talent are selected.
- Rank all remaining eligible ROIs within each target sector by EOI points score and select accordingly.
A ROI with a higher score may not be selected in the following circumstances:
- The ROI with a lower score demonstrated exceptional talent and contribution to their sector, or
- the ROI with a higher score may have been determined to not be working in a target sector.
Updating and withdrawing your existing ROI
You cannot update a ROI once it has been submitted.
If your circumstances have changed or you provided incorrect information in your ROI, you must withdraw your existing ROI using the Live in Melbourne portal and submit a new ROI.
Multiple ROIs
You can only have 1 active ROI submitted at any time.
You cannot submit a separate ROI for each subclass. If you wish to change the subclass, or anything else on your ROI, you must withdraw the existing ROI and submit a new ROI.
How do I submit a Registration of Interest for Victorian Visa Nomination?
- Make or update an Expression of Interest on the Department of Home Affairs’ SkillSelect system. You must create a new Expression of Interest if your existing one is expiring within the next 12 months.
- Make sure you meet the requirements for the visa you are seeking nomination for:
- Submit a Registration of Interest for Victorian Visa Nomination
To submit a Registration of Interest, you must create an accountexternal link on the Live in Melbourne portal if you do not already have one.
What information am I required to provide when submitting a Registration of Interest for Victorian Visa Nomination?
- your SkillSelect Expression of Interest ID
- the skilled visa you are seeking Victorian nomination for (subclass 190 or 491)
- your occupation, including ANZSCO code
- your employer’s ABN and contact details
- the purpose of your employer’s business or service
- a summary of the main duties you perform on a daily basis
- the target sector that you are using your STEMM skills in
- the contribution you make to your sector
- In your response make sure to include information about any STEMM qualifications or specialised skillsets you hold.
Declaration form
If you are nominated, you must meet the nomination obligations that you signed in the Declaration Form.
Commitment to Victoria
State nomination cannot be transferred from one state to another.
If you are nominated, we will contact you at various times to complete surveys. These surveys provide us important feedback on our client services and policy settings.
Department of Home Affairs and SkillSelect
The Department of Home Affairsexternal link is responsible for all visa matters. This includes once you have been nominated by the Victorian Government and have submitted your visa application.
All SkillSelect and EOI issues should also be directed to the Department of Home Affairs.
Nomination application fees
The Victorian Government does not charge any application fees for nomination.
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