オーストラリア政府が地方移住の推奨のために用意しているSubclass 491(Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa )は留学から永住の可能性を模索される方にも注目のビザとなっています。各州異なる条件があるため、ご希望の州の状況は常にリサーチしていくことが推奨されます。
※SC491:5年の暫定永住ビザとなり、Regional Australia(ブリスベン、メルボルン、シドニー以外すべて)に住み、仕事をし、3会計年度一定収入以上の年収を証明することでSC191(永住ビザ)の申請申請権利発生。SC491申請可能職種でSkills Assessmentを通過していること、年齢が44歳以下、IELTS6.0以上の3点は基本最低条件。就学することで有利性が発生する州が多い。
NSW州は2020-2021(会計)年度はCOVIDの影響で、職種が極端に限られていましたが、2021年4月1日より13のRegion毎に異なる新しい、より多くの職種を含むそれぞれのOccupation Listが公表されました。本会計年度(2021年7月1日~2022年6月30日)のNSW州のSC491のNominationは現時点(2021年7月15日)では停止しておりOccupation Listも近日公開という表記の状態にありますがますが、本年度のSC491の枠数, NSW州における基本ルール、各Regionの情報、昨会計年度4月以降に公開された各Regionの職種リストを参照情報として記載します。
SC491の各州の枠数:2021-2022年度 NSW州は最大の3640
NSW州の13のRegional Area
NSW州の場合、Regional Areaが以下の13に仕分けされており、それぞれのエリアでSC491申請可能職種が異なります。
Designated regional area postcodes
指定のregionalは郵便コードで区分けされており、以下の移民局ページで公表されています。Designated regional postcodes within the RDA Sydney area are on the Home Affairs website.
The regional definition is comprised of 3 categories and offers regional incentives for skilled migrants who migrate to locations classified as Category 2 ‘Cities and Major Regional Centres’ or Category 3 ‘Regional Centres and Other Regional Areas’
- Category 2 – ‘Cities and Major Regional Centres’ of Perth, Adelaide, the Gold Coast, the Sunshine Coast, Canberra, Newcastle/Lake Macquarie, Wollongong/Illawarra, Geelong and Hobart
- Category 3 – ‘Regional Centres and Other Regional Areas (Include Designated regional area postcodes as per below table)
State or Territory |
Category |
Postcodes |
New South Wales |
Cities and major regional centres |
2259, 2264 to 2308, 2500 to 2526, 2528 to 2535 and 2574 |
Regional centres and other regional areas |
2250 to 2258, 2260 to 2263, 2311 to 2490, 2527, 2536 to 2551, 2575 to 2739, 2753 to 2754, 2756 to 2758 and 2773 to 2898 |
NSW州のRegional AreaはArea毎に申請可能な職種が異なっているため、それぞれのAreaのOccupation Listを確認する必要はあります。
Stream 1 – Living and working in regional NSW
Stream 2 – Recently completed study in regional NSW
Stream 3 – Living and working outside of a designated regional postcode of NSW
Stream 1- Living and working in regional NSW
To be eligible for NSW nomination under this stream you must:
hold a valid skills assessment for an occupation that appears on your nominated region’s occupation list;
have been living in a designated regional area in NSW for at least the previous 12 months; and
have been working in your nominated occupation, or a closely related occupation, in a designated regional area of NSW, for at least the previous 12 months.
Stream 2- Recently completed study in regional NSW
To be eligible for NSW nomination under this stream you must:
hold a valid skills assessment for an occupation that appears on your nominated region’s occupation list;
have completed study or education with an education provider, where:
the study was completed within the previous 24 months;
the education provider is located in a designated regional area in NSW;
the study meets the Australian study requirement (as determined by Home Affairs from time to time); and
the qualification obtained from this study has been assessed as closely related to your nominated occupation by the relevant assessing authority; and
have lived in a designated regional area of NSW while completing your study.
※希望するRegionのOccupation Listに載っている職種においいて有効なSkills assessment有すること
※Nominationをもらう時点で卒業より2年以内、Australian Study Requirementを満たし、申請職種と強い関連性があると技術査定団体より査定を受けられるコースを受講、教育機関はRegional NSWに位置していること。また就学中はRegional NSWに実際に住んでいること(シドニーから通うというのはNG)
Stream 3a – Job Offer in Regional NSW Stream3は現在停止(2021年7月15日時点)
To be eligible for NSW nomination under this category you must:
Stream 3b- At Least Five Years Skilled Employment Experience (Offshore Applicants)
If you reside outside of Australia, you must:
hold a valid skills assessment for an occupation that appears on your nominated region’s occupation list; and
have at least five years of skilled employment in such nominated occupation, or a closely related occupation.
※NSW nominates applicants to apply for a skilled visa if they meet NSW eligibility requirements in an occupation that is on
the relevant NSW 491 Regional Skilled Occupation List. The occupations eligible for NSW nomination will change from
time to time depending on economic need.
All applications are assessed against the criteria on the basis of the information and evidence submitted. Applicants who
demonstrate that they meet criteria for nomination and who submit a fully documented application, may be nominated by
NSW to apply for the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491). NSW nomination is not guaranteed.
Obtaining NSW nomination is only the first step for prospective migrants to obtain this visa. Applicants applying for NSW
nomination should also be aware that:
• NSW nomination is valid for one nomination and against one Expression of Interest (EOI) only
• NSW nomination is valid for 60 days only and a nomination does not imply that NSW will approve any
subsequent applications for state nomination
• The Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs has sole responsibility for the granting of visas to enter or stay
in Australia and NSW nomination does not mean that a visa application will be approved by the
Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs
• NSW nomination does not constitute the granting of a visa to enter or stay in Australia.
SC491をNSWにNominateされる際には少なくともSC491にて少なくとも最初の2年間はRegional NSWに住んで仕事をすることが求められます。その2年間というのうがNSW州のSC491のNominationにおける条件となります。
How long do I need to Commit to live and work in NSW?
- Applicants commit to live and work in NSW for the first two years of their visa.
- According to visa regulations, the applicant must have a genuine commitment to live and work in the nominating state.
- The 2-year commitment is a condition of our nomination.
- We do not provide Letters of release.
Hunter Regionの情報:Newcastle(ニューカッスル)、Hunter Valley
ニューカッスル大学、TAFE NSWが位置するHunter Region, シドニーから車で約2時間に位置するニューカッスルは今後も経済発展が期待されるエリア、次世代の高速鉄道でシドニー⇔ニューカッスルが1時間以内で繋がれる計画もあります。
NewcastleはRegional AustraliaのCategory2に位置づけされています。
Hunter RegionのSC491の詳細情報ページ:https://rdahunter.org.au/government-programs/skilled-work-regional-visa-subclass-491/applying-for-a-hunter-region-491-visa-nomination/
Newcastleの人口: 32.23万 人
2020-2021 NSW Subclass 491 Occupation List: Hunter Region 2021年7月15日現在停止中
- 221111 Accountant (General)
- 233211 Civil Engineer
- 233512 Mechanical Engineer
- 233611 Mining Engineer (Excluding Petroleum)
- 233911 Aeronautical Engineer
- 233999 Engineering Professionals nec
- 234611 Medical Laboratory Scientist
- 253999 Medical Practitioners nec
- 254412 Registered Nurse (Aged Care)
- 254415 Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency)
- 254418 Registered Nurse (Medical)
- 254499 Registered Nurses nec
- 261311 Analyst Programmer
- 261312 Developer Programmer
- 261313 Software Engineer
- 262113 Systems Administrator
- 263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer
- 312211 Civil Engineering Draftsperson
- 312212 Civil Engineering Technician
- 322211 Sheetmetal Trades Worker
- 322311 Metal Fabricator
- 351311 Chef
- 351411 Cook
- 361112 Horse Trainer
- 511112 Program or Project Administrator
Central Westの情報:Bathurst(シドニーより西車で3時間30分)
, Blayney, Cabonne, Cowra, Forbes, Lachlan, Lithgow, Oberon, Orange, Parkes and Weddin
BurthurstにはCharles Stuart UniversityやTAFE NSW、私立校がわずかながら存在しています。
Population: 42,779
Key Industries:
Education & Training
Public Administration
Health care
Read more about Bathurst
Population: 21,565
Key Industries:
Public Administration
Read more about Lithgow
Population: 41,468
Key Industries:
Public Administration
Education & Training
Read more about Orange
Population: 13,605
Key Industries:
Education & Training
Read more about Cabonne
Central West RegionのSC491の詳細情報ページ:https://rdacentralwest.org.au/skilled-migration/visa-closed/
2020-2021 NSW Subclass 491 Occupation List: Central West
Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (Subclass 491) applications are currently being accepted for the following occupations in Central West NSW.
133111 Construction Project Manager
133211 Engineering Manager
133512 Production Manager (Manufacturing)
135112 ICT Project Manager
141311 Hotel or Motel Manager
221111 Accountant (General) SUSPENDED
221213 External Auditor
233111 Chemical Engineer
233112 Materials Engineer
233311 Electrical Engineer
233511 Industrial Engineer
233513 Production or Plant Engineer
233611 Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum)
233914 Engineering Technologist
233999 Engineering Professional NEC
234112 Agricultural Scientist
234711 Veterinarian
254412 Registered Nurse – Aged Care SUSPENDED
261111 ICT Business Analyst
261112 Systems Analyst
261311 Analyst Programmer
261312 Developer Programmer
261313 Software Engineer
262112 ICT Security Specialist
263111 Computer Network & Systems Engineer
312211 Civil Engineering Draftsperson
321212 Diesel Motor Mechanic
322211 Sheetmetal Trades Worker
322311 Metal Fabricator
322313 Welder (First Class)
323211 Fitter (General)
323212 Fitter and Turner
323213 Fitter-Welder
323214 Metal Machinist (First Class)
331111 Bricklayer
331112 Stonemason
333411 Wall and Floor Tiler
334111 Plumber (General)
351111 Baker
351112 Pastrycook
351311 Chef
The following occupations are now closed for 2020/2021.
233211 Civil Engineer CLOSED
233212 Geotechnical Engineer CLOSED
233512 Mechanical Engineer CLOSED
254415 Registered Nurse – Critical Care & Emergency CLOSED
254418 Registered Nurse – Medical CLOSED
254424 Registered Nurse – Surgical CLOSED
254499 Registered Nurses NEC CLOSED
*Page last updated 30 April 2021 2:35pm
Northern River Regionの情報:Byron Bay, Lismore、Qld州境近く
NSW州のRegionalには教育機関が少ないですが、Northern Riverは有名なByron BayにEnvorontechやLexis、IHなど私立校もあり、またLismoreにはサザンクロス大学がメインキャンパスを構えており、実際に日本人にも人気のエリアとなります。
Northern Areaのマップ:
Northern Riverの人口:307,047人
仕事量:107,411 jobs
経済効果: $32.683 billion
2020-2021 NSW Subclass 491 Occupation List: Northern Rivers NSW
Skilled Work Regional Visa (subclass 491) applications are currently being accepted for the following occupations in the Northern Rivers NSW 最新の情報はこちらのウェブページを確認ください:https://www.rdanorthernrivers.org.au/migration/2020-2021-nsw-subclass-491-occupation-list-northern-rivers-nsw/
- 133512 Production Manager (Manufacturing)
- 141111 Cafe or Restaurant Manager
- 141311 Hotel or Motel Manager
- 224711 Management Consultant
- 225113 Marketing Specialist
- 232411 Graphic Designer
- 233511 Industrial Engineer
- 233512 Mechanical Engineer
- 233513 Production or Plant Engineer
- 233999 Engineering Professionals nec
- 234111 Agricultural Consultant
- 234112 Agricultural Scientist
- 234711 Veterinarian
- 241111 Early Childhood Teacher
- 251513 Retail Pharmacist
- 252611 Podiatrist
- 253999 Medical Practitioners nec
- 254412 Registered Nurse (Aged Care)
- 254413 Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health)
- 254414 Registered Nurse (Community Health)
- 254415 Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency)
- 254417 Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation)
- 254418 Registered Nurse (Medical)
- 254421 Registered Nurse (Medical Practice)
- 254422 Registered Nurse (Mental Health)
- 254423 Registered Nurse (Perioperative)
- 254424 Registered Nurse (Surgical)
- 254425 Registered Nurse (Paediatric)
- 254499 Registered Nurses nec
- 312111 Architectural Draftsperson
- 312311 Electrical Engineering Draftsperson
- 312312 Electrical Engineering Technician
- 321211 Motor Mechanic (General)
- 321212 Diesel Motor Mechanic
- 321213 Motorcycle Mechanic
- 321214 Small Engine Mechanic
- 322211 Sheetmetal Trades Worker
- 322311 Metal Fabricator
- 322313 Welder (First Class)
- 323211 Fitter (General)
- 323212 Fitter and Turner
- 323213 Fitter-Welder
- 323214 Metal Machinist (First Class)
- 324111 Panelbeater
- 334114 Gasfitter
- 351111 Baker
- 351112 Pastrycook
- 351211 Butcher or Smallgoods Maker
- 351311 Chef
- 351411 Cook
- 391111 Hairdresser
- 511112 Program or Project Administrator
Northen Islandの情報:Armidale 他、Queensland州境近く
Armidale Regional, Glen Innes Severn, Gunnedah, Gwydir, Inverell, Liverpool Plains, Moree Plains, Narrabri, Tamworth Regional, Tenterfield, Uralla, Walcha
Northern Island SC491の詳細はこちらより参照:https://www.rdani.org.au/skilled-migration/skilled-work-regional-visa-subclass-491.php
Northern Island SC491 Occupation List(updated 7th April 2021) 現在停止中
Northern Island のOccupation LISTの最新はこちら:https://www.rdani.org.au/skilled-migration/skilled-work-regional-visa-subclass-491/occupation-list-for-the-northern-inland.php
Occupation |
Occupation Status |
Child Care Centre Manager |
134111 |
Available |
Cafe or Restaurant Manager |
141111 |
Stream 1 only |
Hotel or Motel Manager |
141311 |
Stream 1 only |
Accountant (General) |
221111 |
Stream 1 only |
External Auditor |
221213 |
Stream 1 only |
Civil Engineer |
233211 |
Available |
Geotechnical Engineer |
233212 |
Available |
Electrical Engineer |
233311 |
Available |
Mechanical Engineer |
233512 |
Stream 1 only |
Agricultural Scientist |
234112 |
Available |
Early Childhood Teacher |
241111 |
Available |
Secondary School Teacher |
241411 |
Available |
Special Needs Teacher |
241511 |
Available |
Medical Diagnostic Radiographer |
251211 |
Available |
Medical Radiation Therapist |
251212 |
Available |
Occupational Therapist |
252411 |
Available |
Physiotherapist |
252511 |
Available |
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist |
253913 |
Available |
Medical Practitioners nec |
253999 |
Available |
Midwife |
254111 |
Available |
Nurse Practitioner |
254411 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Aged Care) |
254412 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) |
254413 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Community Health) |
254414 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) |
254415 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) |
254417 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Medical) |
254418 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) |
254421 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Mental Health) |
254422 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Perioperative) |
254423 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Surgical) |
254424 |
Available |
Registered Nurses nec |
254499 |
Available |
Web Developer |
261212 |
Available |
Developer Programmer |
261312 |
Available |
Clinical Psychologist |
272311 |
Available |
Psychologists nec |
272399 |
Available |
Social Worker |
272511 |
Available |
Welfare Worker |
272613 |
Available |
Civil Engineering Technician |
312212 |
Available |
Electrical Engineering Technician |
312312 |
Available |
Automotive Electrician |
321111 |
Available |
Motor Mechanic (General) |
321211 |
Available |
Diesel Motor Mechanic |
321212 |
Available |
Sheetmetal Trades Worker |
322211 |
Available |
Metal Fabricator |
322311 |
Available |
Welder (First Class) |
322313 |
Available |
Fitter (General) |
323211 |
Available |
Fitter and Turner |
323212 |
Available |
Fitter-Welder |
323213 |
Available |
Metal Machinist (First Class) |
323214 |
Available |
Panelbeater |
324111 |
Available |
Carpenter and Joiner |
331211 |
Available |
Carpenter |
331212 |
Available |
Plumber (General) |
334111 |
Available |
Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic |
342111 |
Available |
Baker |
351111 |
Available |
Chef |
351311 |
Stream 1 only |
Cook |
351411 |
Stream 1 only |
Hairdresser |
391111 |
Stream 1 only |
Cabinetmaker |
394111 |
Available |
Last Updated 21st of April 2021
Central Coastの情報: Gosford(シドニーより車で1時間強), The Entrance, Wyong, Woy Woy
Central Coastはシドニーからも車で1時間と比較的に近く、人気が高まっているエリアです。留学生受け入れ教育機関は少ないですがTAFE NSWのキャンパスがあり、またニューカッスル大学への通学圏でもあります。
Central Coast の2021年7月15日時点でWEBに公表されているSC491 Eligibilityはこちら:最新はこちらのリンクからご確認ください。
Eligibility Criteria
Central Coast SC491 Occupation List(updated 7th April 2021)
This list is updated regularly and may be changed without notice. Your occupation must be on this
list when you submit your application.
As this list is updated regularly there may be differences between the current Central Coast
list and the copy provided by the NSW Government. Applications will need to adhere to the
current Central Coast list. Occupations on the copy provided by NSW government but not on
the Central Coast list will not be accepted.
ANZSCO Code Occupation Status
133211 Engineering Manager Available
133512 Production Manager (Manufacturing) Available
134212 Nursing Clinical Director Available
141111 Café / Restaurant Manager Available
233512 Mechanical Engineer Available
241111 Early Childhood Teacher Available
251513 Retail Pharmacist Available
252411 Occupational Therapist Available
252511 Physiotherapist Available
252912 Speech Therapist Available
254311 Nurse Manager Available
254411 Nurse Practitioner Available
254412 Registered Nurse – Aged Care Available
254418 Registered Nurse – Medical Available
254421 Registered Nurse – Medical Practice Available
254424 Registered Nurse – Surgical Available
261312 Developer Programmer Available
261313 Software Engineer Available
272311 Clinical Psychologist A vailable
272399 Psychologist nec Available
272511 Social Worker Available
272613 Welfare Worker Available
321111 Automotive Electrician Available
321211 Motor Mechanic (General) Available
321212 Diesel Motor Mechanic Available
322313 Welder (First Class) Available
323213 Fitter-Welder Available
331212 Carpenter Available
331213 Joiner Available
334111 Plumber (General) Available
341111 Electrician (General) Available
351111 Baker Available
351311 Chef Available
351411 Cook Available
394111 Cabinetmaker Available
Last Updated: 7 April 2021
Illawarra Regionの情報・・Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama
Illawarraの中心都市のウーロンゴンはシドニーから約80Km,電車で1時間半強の距離、名門大学ウーロンゴン大学やTAFE NSWで留学生受け入れをしています。
エリア:The three local government areas – Wollongong, Shellharbour and Kiama
The total allocation of 491 visas for this financial year in the Illawarra is fifty (50).
Illawara SC491 Occupation List
OPEN – RDA Illawarra is accepting applications
SUSPENDED – RDA is currently not accepting applications. Check soon to see any change in status
CLOSED – RDA Illawarra allocation has been filled for this year
Construction Project Manager
Engineering Manager
Civil Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Nurse Practitioner
Registered Nurse (Aged Care)
Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability)
Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation)
Registered Nurse (Medical)
Registered Nurse (Perioperative)
Registered Nurse NEC
Mid North Coastの情報:Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour
Mid North CoastのSC491の情報はこちらを参照:https://rdamnc.org.au/migration/skilled-work-regional-subclass-491-visa-2/
Mid North Coast SC491 Occupation List( update 07/04/2021)
最新のOccupation Listはこちらを参照:https://rdamnc.org.au/migration/skilled-work-regional-subclass-491-visa-2/
Mid North Coast skilled occupation list 2021
Last Update 01 April 2021
254411 |
Nurse Practitioner |
254412 |
Registered Nurse (Aged Care) |
254413 |
Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) |
254414 |
Registered Nurse (Community Health) |
254415 |
Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) |
254417 |
Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) |
254418 |
Registered Nurse (Medical) |
254421 |
Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) |
254422 |
Registered Nurse (Mental Health) |
254423 |
Registered Nurse (Perioperative) |
254424 |
Registered Nurse (Surgical) |
254425 |
Registered Nurse (Paediatric) |
254499 |
Registered Nurses nec |
ORANAの情報・・Dabbo シドニーから約398Km(車で約5時間)の距離、人口5万人強
人口:12万2, 897人
Gross Regional Product: approx. $8 billion
Major Industries:Mining, Agriculture, Public Administration, Health &Community Services
SC491 Occupation List(現時点未公表)
OranaのMigrationに関するお問い合わせ先 Migration Team:migration@rdaorana.org.au
Orana SC491 Occupation List( update 01/04/2021) 現在停止中
Occupation |
High Priority* |
133111 |
Construction Project Manager |
Yes |
134111 |
Child Care Centre Manager |
134299 |
Health and Welfare Services Managers nec |
141111 |
Cafe or Restaurant Manager |
141311 |
Hotel or Motel Manager |
221111 |
Accountant (General) |
221112 |
Management Accountant |
221113 |
Taxation Accountant |
221213 |
External Auditor |
221214 |
Internal Auditor |
224311 |
Economist |
232111 |
Architect |
233111 |
Chemical Engineer |
233112 |
Materials Engineer |
233211 |
Civil Engineer |
Yes |
233212 |
Geotechnical Engineer |
Yes |
233213 |
Quantity Surveyor |
233214 |
Structural Engineer |
Yes |
233215 |
Transport Engineer |
Yes |
233311 |
Electrical Engineer |
233512 |
Mechanical Engineer |
Yes |
233513 |
Production or Plant Engineer |
233611 |
Mining Engineer (Excluding Petroleum) |
233999 |
Engineering Professionals nec |
234611 |
Medical Laboratory Scientist |
234711 |
Veterinarian |
241111 |
Early Childhood Teacher |
241411 |
Secondary School Teacher |
241511 |
Special Needs Teacher |
251211 |
Medical Diagnostic Radiographer |
251212 |
Medical Radiation Therapist |
251214 |
Sonographer |
251312 |
Occupational Health and Safety Adviser |
251411 |
Optometrist |
251513 |
Retail Pharmacist |
252111 |
Chiropractor |
252411 |
Occupational Therapist |
252511 |
Physiotherapist |
253912 |
Emergency Medicine Specialist |
253913 |
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist |
253914 |
Ophthalmologist |
253915 |
Pathologist |
253999 |
Medical Practitioners nec |
Yes |
254111 |
Midwife |
Yes |
254311 |
Nurse Manager |
254411 |
Nurse Practitioner |
254412 |
Registered Nurse (Aged Care) |
Yes |
254413 |
Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) |
254414 |
Registered Nurse (Community Health) |
254415 |
Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) |
Yes |
254417 |
Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) |
254418 |
Registered Nurse (Medical) |
Yes |
254421 |
Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) |
254422 |
Registered Nurse (Mental Health) |
Yes |
254423 |
Registered Nurse (Perioperative) |
Yes |
254424 |
Registered Nurse (Surgical) |
254425 |
Registered Nurse (Paediatric) |
254499 |
Registered Nurses nec |
Yes |
261111 |
ICT Business Analyst |
261112 |
Systems Analyst |
261212 |
Web Developer |
261312 |
Developer Programmer |
Yes |
261313 |
Software Engineer |
Yes |
262113 |
Systems Administrator |
263111 |
Computer Network and Systems Engineer |
263112 |
Network Administrator |
263212 |
ICT Support Engineer |
263213 |
ICT Systems Test Engineer |
272399 |
Psychologists nec |
272511 |
Social Worker |
Yes |
272613 |
Welfare Worker |
311213 |
Medical Laboratory Technician |
312211 |
Civil Engineering Draftsperson |
312212 |
Civil Engineering Technician |
312311 |
Electrical Engineering Draftsperson |
312312 |
Electrical Engineering Technician |
321111 |
Automotive Electrician |
321211 |
Motor Mechanic (General) |
321212 |
Diesel Motor Mechanic |
322211 |
Sheetmetal Trades Worker |
322311 |
Metal Fabricator |
322313 |
Welder (First Class) |
323211 |
Fitter (General) |
323212 |
Fitter and Turner |
323213 |
Fitter-Welder |
323214 |
Metal Machinist (First Class) |
324111 |
Panelbeater |
331111 |
Bricklayer |
331211 |
Carpenter and Joiner |
331212 |
Carpenter |
331213 |
Joiner |
333111 |
Glazier |
333211 |
Fibrous Plasterer |
333411 |
Wall and Floor Tiler |
334111 |
Plumber (General) |
334113 |
Drainer |
334114 |
Gasfitter |
334115 |
Roof plumber |
341111 |
Electrician (General) |
342111 |
Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic |
351111 |
Baker |
351112 |
Pastrycook |
351211 |
Butcher or Smallgoods Maker |
351311 |
Chef |
351411 |
Cook |
394111 |
Cabinetmaker |
411411 |
Enrolled Nurse |
411711 |
Community Worker |
511112 |
Program or Project Administrator |
01 April 2021
Far South Coast Regionの情報:Shoalhaven(ウーロンゴンから南49Km)、
人口: 17万2,650人
(Shoalhaven人口9万9800人 シドニーから118Km(Road Distance146.1km)
Growth Rate: 3.74% (2011 – 2016) 0.51% average annual growth
主要産業: Retail, Health Care and Social Assistance, Construction,
Manufacturing, Defence, Tourism and Agriculture
Number of Businesses by Industry – (top 10 shown)
Construction 2484
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1250
Rental, hiring and real estate services 1165
Retail trade 1101
Professional, scientific and technical services 989
Tourism 863
Financial and insurance services 647
Health care and social assistance 638
Transport, postal and warehousing 631
Other services 613
Total Businesses FSC (2014) 12,123
SC491の2021年7月15日時点での状況:停止中(Ceased accepting applications for the 491 Visa program at 4.00pm Monday 31st May, 2021.)
FatSouth CoastのSC491の詳細ページ:https://www.rdafsc.com.au/skilled-work-regional-visa-subclass-491/
Far South Coast SC491 Occupation List( update 07/04/2021) 現在停止中
It is important that the skilled occupation on your application to the Far South Coast matches the occupation that is entered into SkillSelect. If these do not match, you cannot be nominated to apply from the NSW Government.
As the occupation list is updated regularly, there may be variances between the list below and the copy provided by the NSW Government. The list below is the current edition, and applications need to adhere to this list. Occupations that are on the copy provided by the NSW Government but not on this list will not be accepted.
We are currently accepting applications for Skilled Work Regional Visa (491) for the following occupations:
Occupation |
Availability |
Research and Development Manager |
132511 |
Available |
Engineering Manager |
133211 |
Available |
Production Manager (Manufacturing) |
133512 |
Available |
Health and Welfare Services Managers NEC |
134299 |
Available |
Environmental Manager |
139912 |
Available |
Quality Assurance Manager |
139914 |
Available |
Cafe or Restaurant Manager |
141111 |
Available |
Hotel or Motel Manager |
141311 |
Available |
Accountant (General) |
221111 |
Unavailable |
Management Accountant |
221112 |
Available |
Taxation Accountant |
221113 |
Available |
External Auditor |
221213 |
Available |
Internal Auditor |
221214 |
Available |
Architect |
232111 |
Available |
Landscape Architect |
232112 |
Available |
Chemical Engineer |
233111 |
Available |
Materials Engineer |
233112 |
Available |
Civil Engineer |
233211 |
Available |
Structural Engineer |
233214 |
Available |
Transport Engineer |
233215 |
Available |
Electrical Engineer |
233311 |
Available |
Industrial Engineer |
233511 |
Available |
Mechanical Engineer |
233512 |
Available |
Production or Plant Engineer |
233513 |
Available |
Aeronautical Engineer |
233911 |
Available |
Agricultural Engineer |
233912 |
Available |
Biomedical Engineer |
233913 |
Available |
Engineering Professionals nec |
233999 |
Available |
Agricultural Consultant |
234111 |
Available |
Agricultural Scientist |
234112 |
Available |
Chemist |
234211 |
Available |
Food Technologist |
234212 |
Available |
Zoologist |
234518 |
Available |
Veterinarian |
234711 |
Available |
Medical Diagnostic Radiographer |
251211 |
Available |
Medical Radiation Therapist |
251212 |
Available |
Nuclear Medicine Technologist |
251213 |
Available |
Retail Pharmacist |
251513 |
Available |
Occupational Therapist |
252411 |
Available |
Physiotherapist |
252511 |
Available |
Emergency Medicine Specialist |
253912 |
Available |
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist |
253913 |
Available |
Ophthalmologist |
253914 |
Available |
Pathologist |
253915 |
Available |
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist |
253917 |
Available |
Medical Practitioners nec |
253999 |
Available |
Midwife |
254111 |
Available |
Nurse Manager |
254311 |
Available |
Nurse Practitioner |
254411 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Aged Care) |
254412 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) |
254413 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Community Health) |
254414 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) |
254415 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) |
254417 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Medical) |
254418 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Mental Health) |
254422 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Perioperative) |
254423 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Surgical) |
254424 |
Available |
Registered Nurse (Paediatric) |
254425 |
Available |
Registered Nurses nec |
254499 |
Available |
Analyst Programmer |
261311 |
Available |
Software Engineer |
261313 |
Available |
Computer Network and Systems Engineer |
263111 |
Available |
Clinical Psychologist |
272311 |
Available |
Social Worker |
272511 |
Available |
Welfare Worker |
272613 |
Available |
Architectural Draftsperson |
312111 |
Available |
Automotive Electrician |
321111 |
Available |
Motor Mechanic (General) |
321211 |
Available |
Diesel Motor Mechanic |
321212 |
Available |
Motorcycle Mechanic |
321213 |
Available |
Sheetmetal Trades Worker |
322211 |
Available |
Metal Fabricator |
322311 |
Available |
Welder (First Class) |
322313 |
Available |
Fitter (General) |
323211 |
Available |
Fitter and Turner |
323212 |
Available |
Fitter-Welder |
323213 |
Available |
Metal Machinist (First Class) |
323214 |
Available |
Panelbeater |
324111 |
Available |
Bricklayer |
331111 |
Available |
Carpenter and Joiner |
331211 |
Available |
Carpenter |
331212 |
Available |
Joiner |
331213 |
Available |
Fibrous Plasterer |
333211 |
Available |
Wall and Floor Tiler |
333411 |
Available |
Plumber (General) |
334111 |
Available |
Drainer |
334113 |
Available |
Gasfitter |
334114 |
Available |
Roof plumber |
334115 |
Available |
Electrician (General) |
341111 |
Available |
Baker |
351111 |
Available |
Pastrycook |
351112 |
Available |
Butcher or Smallgoods Maker |
351211 |
Available |
Chef |
351311 |
Available |
Cook |
351411 |
Available |
Horse Trainer |
361112 |
Available |
Cabinetmaker |
394111 |
Available |
Speech pathologist |
252912 |
Available |
Last Updated 7th April 2021
Riverina Regionalの情報:キャンベラの南西、ビクトリア州境、Wagga Wagga、Griffith City, Snowy Vallesy
Wagga Wagga City, Griffith City, Leeton, Gundagai
(Gundagai/Cootamundra), Narrandera, Hay, Snowy Valleys (Tumut/Tumbarumba), Temora, Lockhart,
Junee, Coolamon, Murrumbidgee, West Wyalong and Carrathool.
Riverina Regionalの情報ページ:https://rdariverina.org.au/our-region
Riverina Regionalの情報パンフレットのダウンロード
人口:16万9, 856人
Riverina RegionのSC491の情報はこちらを参照:https://rdariverina.org.au/491-application-process
Riverrina Region SC491 Occupation List(updated April 2021)
最新のOccupation Listはこちらを参照:https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59ae4a2a6f4ca38d47990cd8/t/6064f52f98a2ef470815ade5/1617229104329/2020-2021+Riverina+Skills+Occupation+List-April+2021.pdf
The Riverina region of NSW includes the shires of Wagga Wagga City, Griffith City, Leeton, Gundagai
(Gundagai/Cootamundra), Narrandera, Hay, Snowy Valleys (Tumut/Tumbarumba), Temora, Lockhart,
Junee, Coolamon, Murrumbidgee, West Wyalong and Carrathool.
The Regional Development Australia, Riverina Inc. is the certifying body for the Riverina region of
NSW and is inviting applications from qualified applicants who hold a degree, diploma, masters or
AQF Certificate in the listed ANZSCO occupations for sponsorship through the Skilled (Provisional)
Regional Sponsored Visas program. Nomination is valid for 90 days.
The relevant Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupation (ANZSCO) code is also
Construction Project Manager 133111
Production Manager (Manufacturer) 133512
Café or Restaurant Manager 141111
Accountant (General) 221111
Marketing Specialist 225113
Civil Engineer 233211
Geotechnical Engineer 233212
Structural Engineer 233214
Electrical Engineer 233311
Industrial Engineer 233511
Mechanical Engineer 233512
Production or Plant Engineer 233513
Environmental Engineer 233915
Engineering Professionals nec 233999
Agricultural Scientist 234112
Chemist 234211
Food Technologist 234212
Environmental Consultant 234312
Veterinarian 234711
Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher 241111
Occupational Health and Safety Adviser 251312
Retail Pharmacist 251513
Physiotherapist 252511
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 253913
Medical Practitioner (nec) 253999
Midwife 254111
Registered Nurse (Aged Care) 254412
Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) 254413
Registered Nurse (Community Health) 254414
Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) 254415
Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) 254417
Registered Nurse (Medical) 254418
Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) 254421
Registered Nurse (Mental Health) 254422
Registered Nurse (Peri-operative) 254423
Registered Nurse (Surgical) 254424
Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) 254425
Registered Nurse (nec) 254499
ICT Business Analyst 261111
Computer Network and Systems Engineer 263111
ICT Support Engineer 263212
Clinical Psychologist 272311
Social Worker 272611
Welfare Worker 272513
Civil Engineering Draftsperson 312211
Motor Mechanic (general) 321211
Diesel Motor Mechanic 321212
Sheet Metal Trades Worker 322211
Metal Fabricator 322311
Welder (first Class) 322313
Fitter (general) 323211
Fitter-Turner 323212
Fitter-Welder 323213
Metal Machinist (First Class) 323214
Stonemason 331112
Carpenter & Joiner 331211
Carpenter 331212
Fibrous Plasterer 333211
Wall & Floor Tiler 333411
Plumber (General) 334111
Electrician (general) 341111
Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Mechanic 342111
Technical Cable Jointer 342212
Baker 351111
Pastrycook 351112
Chef 351311
Cook 351411
Enrolled Nurse 411411
Program or Project Administrator 511112
For a number of these occupations further training, licensing and/or registration may be required with
Australian industry specific organisations to enable applicants to work in Australia.
Administration Fee: AUD$800.00 GST inclusive for onshore applicant
Far West の情報:
Far West について:http://rdafarwestnsw.org.au/the-far-west-region/about-the-region/
Far West Region SC491 Occupation List(updated April 2021)
最新のOccupation List情報はこちらを参照:http://rdafarwestnsw.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/RDA-FW-Skilled-Occupations.pdf
RDA Far West Skilled Occupations
ANZSCO Code Occupation RDA Far West
32111 Corporate Services Manager
132211 Finance Manager
132311 Human Resource Manager X
132511 Research and Development Manager
133111 Construction Project Manager
133211 Engineering Manager X
133512 Production Manager (Manufacturing)
134111 Child Care Centre Manager X
134212 Nursing Clinical Director
134214 Welfare Centre Manager
134299 Health and Welfare Services Managers nec
135112 ICT Project Manager X
139911 Arts Administrator or Manager
139912 Environmental Manager
139914 Quality Assurance Manager
141111 Cafe or Restaurant Manager X
141311 Hotel or Motel Manager X
211112 Dancer or Choreographer
211213 Musician (Instrumental)
212312 Director (Film, Television, Radio or Stage)
221111 Accountant (General)
221112 Management Accountant
221113 Taxation Accountant
221213 External Auditor
221214 Internal Auditor
224111 Actuary
224112 Mathematician
224113 Statistician
224311 Economist
224711 Management Consultant
225113 Marketing Specialist
225311 Public Relations Professional
232111 Architect X
232112 Landscape Architect
232411 Graphic Designer
232412 Illustrator
232511 Interior Designer
233111 Chemical Engineer
233112 Materials Engineer
233211 Civil Engineer X
233212 Geotechnical Engineer
233213 Quantity Surveyor X
233214 Structural Engineer
233215 Transport Engineer
233311 Electrical Engineer X
233411 Electronics Engineer
233511 Industrial Engineer
233512 Mechanical Engineer X
233513 Production or Plant Engineer
233611 Mining Engineer (Excluding Petroleum) X
233612 Petroleum Engineer
233911 Aeronautical Engineer
233912 Agricultural Engineer
233913 Biomedical Engineer
233915 Environmental Engineer
233916 Naval Architect
233999 Engineering Professionals nec
234111 Agricultural Consultant
234112 Agricultural Scientist
234211 Chemist
234212 Food Technologist
234312 Environmental Consultant
234313 Environmental Research Scientist
234399 Environmental Scientists nec
234511 Life Scientist (General)
234514 Biotechnologist
234515 Botanist
234516 Marine Biologist
234517 Microbiologist
234518 Zoologist
234599 Life Scientists nec
234611 Medical Laboratory Scientist
234711 Veterinarian X
234914 Physicist
234999 Natural and Physical Science Professionals nec
241111 Early Childhood Teacher X
241411 Secondary School Teacher X
241511 Special Needs Teacher X
251211 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer X
251212 Medical Radiation Therapist
251213 Nuclear Medicine Technologist
251214 Sonographer
251312 Occupational Health and Safety Adviser
251411 Optometrist
251513 Retail Pharmacist
252111 Chiropractor
RDA Far West Skilled Occupations
252411 Occupational Therapist X
252511 Physiotherapist X
252611 Podiatrist X
253912 Emergency Medicine Specialist X
253913 Obstetrician and Gynaecologist X
253914 Ophthalmologist X
253915 Pathologist
253917 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist
253999 Medical Practitioners nec X
254111 Midwife
254311 Nurse Manager X
254411 Nurse Practitioner X
254412 Registered Nurse (Aged Care) X
254413 Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) X
254414 Registered Nurse (Community Health)
254415 Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) X
254417 Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation)
254418 Registered Nurse (Medical) X
254421 Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) X
254422 Registered Nurse (Mental Health) X
254423 Registered Nurse (Perioperative)
254424 Registered Nurse (Surgical) X
254425 Registered Nurse (Paediatric) X
254499 Registered Nurses nec X
261111 ICT business Analyst
261112 Systems Analyst X
261211 Multimedia Specialist
261212 Web Developer
261311 Analyst Programmer
261312 Developer Programmer
261313 Software Engineer
261314 Software Tester
262111 Database Administrator
262112 ICT Security Specialist
262113 Systems Administrator X
263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer X
263112 Network Administrator X
263212 ICT Support Engineer
263213 ICT Systems Test Engineer
263311 Telecommunications Engineer
263312 Telecommunications Network Engineer
271111 Barrister
271311 Solicitor
272311 Clinical Psychologist X
272313 Organisational Psychologist
272399 Psychologists nec
272511 Social Worker
272613 Welfare Worker
311213 Medical Laboratory Technician
312111 Architectural Draftsperson
312211 Civil Engineering Draftsperson
312212 Civil Engineering Technician
312311 Electrical Engineering Draftsperson
312312 Electrical Engineering Technician
313213 Telecommunications Network Planner
321111 Automotive Electrician
321211 Motor Mechanic (General) X
321212 Diesel Motor Mechanic X
321213 Motorcycle Mechanic
321214 Small Engine Mechanic
322211 Sheetmetal Trades Worker X
322311 Metal Fabricator X
322313 Welder (First Class) X
323211 Fitter (General) X
323212 Fitter and Turner X
323213 Fitter-Welder
323214 Metal Machinist (First Class) X
323313 Locksmith
324111 Panelbeater
331111 Bricklayer
331112 Stonemason
331211 Carpenter and Joiner X
331212 Carpenter X
331213 Joiner
333111 Glazier
333211 Fibrous Plasterer
333411 Wall and Floor Tiler
334111 Plumber (General)
334113 Drainer
334114 Gasfitter
334115 Roof plumber
341111 Electrician (General)
341113 Lift Mechanic
342111 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic
342212 Technical Cable Jointer
342313 Electronic Equipment Trades Worker
342314 Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General)
351111 Baker
RDA Far West Skilled Occupations
351112 Pastrycook
351211 Butcher or Smallgoods Maker
351311 Chef X
351411 Cook X
361112 Horse Trainer
362111 Florist
391111 Hairdresser
394111 Cabinetmaker
411411 Enrolled Nurse X
411711 Community Worker
452316 Tennis Coach
452411 Footballer
511112 Program or Project Administrator
233914 Engineering Technologist
252912 Speech pathologist
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