
Audiologist(聴覚訓練士)をオーストラリアで学ぶ|Charles Darwin UniversityでMaster of Clinical Audiologyがスタート!


Audiologist(聴覚訓練士)はオーストラリアにて最も必要とされる職種、Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL)職種に挙げられております。以下の6つの大学院でAudiplogistを目指すことができますが2022年度、新たにNorthern Territory(ノーザンテリトリー)のCharles Darwin University(チャールズダーウィン大学)にてMaster of Clinical Audilogyが開講しており、現在、Global Merit Scholarship(授業料30%オフ)の奨学金もあり、他大学の半額以下(2年約42000ドル)にて就学が可能です。Charles Darwin University(CDU)の大学院卒業生の就職率は国内大学の中で1位、NTでは全土の州・準州の中で最も聴覚に支障ある方の比率が高い地域となっており、Audiologistが不足している状況が続いているとCDUニュースに公表されております。政府National Skills CommissionのSkill Priority ListではNTのみ、Shortage(人材不足)と評価されており、さらに全土でも今後5年、需要が高まる職種として査定されています。全体のオーストラリア国内のAudiologistの数は全土で約3000人と職種の規模として少ないですが、今後もニーズは高い職種といえます。永住を視野に入れられる方はAudiologistのSkills Assessmentの基準も把握しておくことが推奨されます。この職種はVETASSESSが査定団体に指定されており、大学、大学院レベルのでの資格+卒業後週20時間以上1年の就労経験が技術査定(Skills Assessment)の通過のために求められます。SC189,SC190, SC491等ビザ申請条件にSkills Assessmentの通過があるビザに関しては1年の経験をもって、はじめてSkills Assessmentが通過できるようになるため、就職の遅れれ等も次のステップのビザ申請タイミングに影響がでうります。卒業後の就職チャンスがつかめるか、という点は永住を考える際に大切なポイントとなります。また余談ですがCDUではSpeech Pathologyの修士号も新しくスタートしておりますが、Speech Pathologistの技術査定はSpeech Pathologist Australia 認可コース卒にて技術査定は通過するため、新卒で未経験でもNTでは現時点のルールによるとSkilled Nominated永住ビザ(Subclass190)の可能性が浮上します。




The Northern Territory has the highest percentage of hearing loss and ear health issues in Australia. Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics show in 2018-19, 60 per cent of First Nations people over the age of seven in the Northern Territory had a measured long-term ear problem or hearing loss.  Almost half of childhood hearing loss is preventable with appropriate audiology services, as is more than a third of adult hearing loss. The high demand for audiology services and a shortage of qualified audiologists in the Territory have resulted in an extenuating waiting list for patients. A recent report released by the Northern Territory Remote Aboriginal Investment (NTRAI) in September 2021 shows as of December 2020, there were 3,109 First Nations children and young people on the waiting list to see an audiologist in the NT.


Audiologist とは?


  • 聴覚効率を測定し、検出された聴覚障害の部位を特定するための幅広いテストの管理と解釈。
  • テスト結果を分析し、聴覚障害の根本原因を特定します。
  • 適切な補聴器と人工内耳の処方とテスト、および患者への使用方法の指導。
  • テストの結果を書面で報告し、関連する医療従事者に推奨事項と紹介を提供します。
  • パイロットや軍隊のメンバーなど、聴覚障害のリスクが高い職業の労働者の聴覚レベルを評価します。



Audiologist(ANZSCO Code 252711)

This occupation requires a qualification assessed as comparable to the education level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor Degree or higher degree and in a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation.

In addition to the above, it is essential for applicants to meet the following employment criteria:

  • at least one year of post-qualification employment at an appropriate skill level,
  • undertaken in the last five years,
  • working 20 hours or more per week, and
  • highly relevant to the nominated occupation.

Please note in order to achieve a successful Skills Assessment Outcome, a positive assessment for both qualifications and employment is required.

詳細はこちら:Information Sheet 

Charles Dawrin University: Master of Clinical Audiology

奨学金:Global Merit Scholarship 30%授業料免除(給付型)奨学金適用後の暫定授業料41328ドル
入学条件:The Master of Clinical Audiology is a highly competitive course with a limited number of places. This means that although you may meet the minimum entry requirements for the course, you may not be ranked high enough to receive an offer. Subquotas are in place for First Nation and NT Resident applicants. Successful completion of a recognised bachelor degree or equivalent international qualification with at least a credit average (GPA of 5.00). Please be advised short-listed applicants may be required to submit a personal statement.

英語条件:IELTS Academic ModuleA minimum overall score of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0.
Cambridge Advanced English (CAE)A minimum overall score of 176, with no skill below 169.
Common European Framework Certificate of English Proficiency A minimum overall grade of C1, valid for three years from the date of the test to the date of commencement at CDU.
Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic moduleA minimum overall score of 58 with no score lower than 50.
TOEFL Internet-based Test (iBT)A minimum overall score of 79 with a minimum writing score of 21.

Charles Darwin University(チャールズダーウィン大学)のコース概要ページ:

Northern Territoryの州スポンサー永住ビザSC190の留学生に対する条件(2022年9月現在)

International student graduates who have studied in the NT will be eligible for a subclass 190 nomination if you have met the following criteria before applying for nomination:

  • successfully completed one or more qualifications after studying in the NT, at an NT-based institution for two years in a single tertiary course or a set of nested tertiary courses, and
  • lived in the NT for a period of at least six continuous months immediately after the date of completion* of your last qualification, while holding a visa that has no work limitations (graduates will be required to apply for a subclass 485 Temporary Graduate visa to enable this); the time spent on a bridging visa associated with a subclass 485 visa application can be counted in the six month period, and
  • demonstrated genuine and sustained efforts to obtain employment** from an NT employer in your nominated occupation or a closely related skilled occupation.

International student graduates who are unable to live in the NT for six months after completing two years of study in the NT will only be considered for a subclass 491 nomination. You must provide evidence of making genuine efforts to obtain employment** from an NT employer in their nominated occupation or a closely related skilled occupation.



オーストラリアにおける職種リサーチ Audiologist

Seekによる本日時点でのオーストラリア全土での求人数:129 (Speech Pathologistは2041) NTでは現在1件(ICNよりこの求人先に現在のNTの雇用状況の実情を問い合わせ中),period%20from%202018%20to%202022.,Aboriginal%20workforce%20for%20this%20profession.
Skill Priority List:NTのみShortage, 他Not Shortage,将来のDemandは高い
Audiologist Australiaのサイト


Employment by State and Territory (% Share)

State Audiologists All Jobs Average
NSW 27.8 31.6
VIC 29.3 25.6
QLD 21.1 20.0
SA 7.1 7.0
WA 9.8 10.8
TAS 2.4 2.0
NT 1.0 1.0
ACT 1.5 1.9


他のAudiology Australia accredited audiology programmes


State/ Program Name 入学時期、費用 入学条件
New South Wales
Macquarie University
Master of Clinical Audiology program

英語条件:IELTS7(Academic, Each)
入学条件:Australian Bachelor degree or recognised equivalent in fields such as, but not limited to: Speech and Hearing, Health Sciences, Psychology, Physiology, Neurosciences, Biological Sciences, Music Studies, Medical Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Creative Technology, Audio production, Audio engineering, Behaviour Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Speech Pathology, Sound and Music, teaching, Nursing. 

  • Minimum WAM of 65
The University of Queensland
Master of Audiology Studies
Master of Audiology…/master-audiology-studies-5145s program


英語条件:IELTS7(Academic, Each)
入学条件:an applicant must hold a bachelor degree; study in fields such as health, humanities, education, social, physical or biological sciences is recommended.If the bachelor degree was completed more than 10 years prior to program commencement, an applicant must have subsequently completed within 10 years prior to commencement either a postgraduate qualification, or a minimum of 8 units / 4 courses of university level study.Entry is competitive based on GPA.The minimum GPA to be considered for admission into this program is 4.0. The GPA cut-off for those offered a place in 2021 was 5.75.

South Australia
Flinders University
Master of Audiology
Master of Audiology program
CRICOS code: 027824D

奨学金:Go beyond Scholarship

英語条件:6.5 Overall(Each6以上)
入学条件:Applicants must hold a bachelor degree or equivalent qualification, and typically have achieved a Flinders equivalent grade point average (GPA) of 5.00 or above to be considered.

Applicants who did not achieve a GPA of 5.00 or above in their completed approved bachelor degree or equivalent qualification, can still be considered on the basis of a second bachelor degree, graduate certificate (if done in its entirety), graduate diploma or Masters degree of their choice, provided they have completed a minimum one semester of full-time equivalent study in one of these courses and they achieve a GPA of 5.00 or above in this study.

The University of Melbourne
Master of Clinical Audiology
Master of Clinical Audiology program

CRICOS code: 062905A



英語条件:performance band 7+ is required
1. In order to be considered for entry, applicants must have completed:

  • an undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline (Science, Health Sciences, Biomedicine, Linguistics, Phonetics, Psychology, Music), or equivalent; and
  • a pre-recorded interview (which will be restricted to shortlisted applicants)

Meeting these requirements does not guarantee selection.

2. In ranking applications, the Selection Committee will consider equally:

  • prior academic performance
  • the interview

3. The Selection Committee may seek further information to clarify any aspect of an application in accordance with the Academic Board rules on the use of selection instruments.

La Trobe University
Master of Clinical Audiology
Master of Clinical Audiology program
2023年度料金:年間44200 ドル

英語条件:7.0 IELTS (Academic) with no individual band less than 7.0.
IELTS, TOEFL and PTE are the only English Proficiency tests accepted for entry into this course.

Successful completion of an Australian bachelor degree (or equivalent).

Specialisation – compulsory: Social, physical, biological or health sciences.

WAM – Weighted Average Mark (WAM) 70%

Additional information regarding WAM and Early Conditional Offers

Applicants who wish to use postgraduate study for entry will be considered if the postgraduate study is in a related field such as social, physical, biological or health sciences, and the applicant has completed a minimum of 1 year’s full-time study at postgraduate level, awarded within the last 10 years.

Western Australia
The University of Western Australia

Master of Clinical Audiology and Doctor of Philosophy
Master of Clinical Audiology program

入学時期:2023年 前期

(1) To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have—
(a) an honours degree of at least 2A level, or a qualification recognised as equivalent by the Board of the Graduate Research School (the Board) and the Faculty; and
(b) satisfied the requirements of Doctor of Philosophy Rule 2;
(2) A current National Police Certificate, National Criminal History Check or equivalent certification from country of residence, indicating no criminal conviction. The currency of a National Police Certificate or a National Criminal History Check is 12 months.

関連情報:Speech Pathologistを目指せるオーストラリアの大学・大学院の一覧コース(Speech Patologist Australiaのサイト)



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